India's Digital transactions industry

Digital Transactions

India will be on the top of the  Digital Transaction Industry.India will going to defeat America and China in terms of  Digital Transaction Industry .

1) There will be 20%  Increment in India's digital transactions ,till year 2023.
2) 18.5%  for China in same time period.
3) 8.6% for America in same time period.

Indian Digital Transaction Industry is about $64.8 Billions  till , December 2019.While , this Industry is going to double it's size ,which is about $135.2 Billions ,till year 2023 .

                           ------- an study report  of assocham  and PWD .

Cashless Transaction Till 2021

In India ,till 2021 there will be :-
2% decrement in cheque transactions.
100% increment in UPI transactions .
40% increment in NEFT transactions.

                    ---- From Fresh report of R.B.I .

Some short & full forms given in above paragraphs and some related  :

NEFT - national electronic funds transfer.
UPI - Unified Payments Interface.
RTGS - real time gross settlement.


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