For the first time internet users in village more than cities in the country .

For the first time internet users in village more than cities in the country .

first time in the country internet population in rural areas exceeded that of cities .

Internet population increases at the speed of 18% in the country. Bihar and Jharkhand is on the fastest track . In 2019 , 48% in Bihar and 36% in Jharkhand internet users increases.

Mumbai have maximum 1.3 crore users about two third users age in between 12 to 29 years. Delhi have 1.13 crore ,
Bengaluru have 66 lakh , Kolkata have 62 lakh and Chennai have 60 lakh users.

Males - 65% 
Females - 35%

In internet ecosystem, female users increases faster as compared to male users . female internet users increases at the rate of 21% and male users increases at rate of 9% .in villages internet population of female is 31%and 40% in cities.

INTERNET USERS :  An "Internet User" is therefore defined as an individual who can access the Internet, via computer or mobile device, within the home where the individual lives. A world-wide computer network that can be accessed via a computer, mobile telephone, PDA, games machine, digital TV, etc .

In World

Proportion of Internet users, by gender, 2018*

The proportion of women using the Internet globally is 48 per cent, compared to 58 per cent of men. In relative terms, this means that the global Internet user gap is 17 per cent. In all regions of the world, more men than women are using the Internet.

Top 10 Countries with the Most Internet Users in the World 2019 .

  1. China – 738.54 million users
  2. India – 462.12 million users
  3. United States – 286.94 million users
  4. Brazil – 139.11 million users
  5. Indonesia – 132.7 million users
  6. Japan – 118.45 million users
  7. Russia – 109.55 million users
  8. Nigeria – 91.6 million users
  9. Mexico – 85 million users
  10. Bangladesh – 73.35 million users . 


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